May 15, 2008


This course was very useful for me and opened my eyes for many new things. Firstly course consisted of many relevant topics of OER. There were both philosophical and practical parts. I liked both of them. Philosophical parts like OER's history, background and copyrights were challenging and provided critical viewpoints for my conventional thoughts. However viewpoints also supported my own opinions and confirmed them e.g. development of copyrights. Every topics included illuminated examples, which support my understanding.

Practical part, pictures, audios and videos making and sharing were hard, but same time so fun ;-) In my case I needed more time than a week to do these assignments. I learnt so many things and I had never guessed at this is so easy. There were so many useful tools in web. Thanks for good links and examples. The course was the best of them, which I have learnt. I got many good ideas for my own projects, e.g. I will do two courses by using open educational resources and I try to get some funding to implementation. Thanks for all study colleagues. You gave me constructive feedback and useful tips. I hope that I can give you my comments before long. Thanks for Teemu and Hans. You have designed excellent course, which provides many thoughts and memorable experiences.

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